quinta-feira, dezembro 28, 2006

Christmas Supper

Ok, I finally got my lazy ass to post the x-mas dinner special. This year's special nite was hosted at grandma Dora, nice family treats. I didn't get to cook everything I wanted cos' let me tell you sth about cooking veg food at the same time with dead seafood all over the place, it's hard! So, there you go.

Tofu Supper. I got this portuguese recipe from this old e-book I own. Firstly, you cook the small potatoes and onions in the oven for about an hour, give a light punch to each potatoe (after it cooled, important detail) and set them on the bottom of a glass bowl, chop the cooked onions, sprinkle fresh parsley, olive oil, chopped black olives, salt and cover it up, letting it rest for a few minutes. Then, add a layer of braised cabbage with garlic, and after marinating the tofu for two to three hours with this mix of soy sauce, diced garlic and olive oil, grill the marinated slices and put it on top, sprinkling some chopped walnuts and more fresh parsley. My big uncle loved it, definetely a hit, even tho it got placed around all those dead animals.

Festive Whole Rice. The big star! This saturday I went to this health-food store downtown with my friend Mariah and got all these nasty nuts and colorful raisins so I could make this dreamy rice come true. I used this whole grain rice so it got a bit more nutritious than rice usually is in x-mas suppers. I firstly roasted some peanuts and hazelnuts in hot olive oil, added white and black soaked raisins and chopped green olives. I cooked the rice normally and then combined the two things, always sprinkling fresh parsley.

Cinnamon-Chocolate Nutty Cake. So I enhenced a little bit the Kramer's recipe, reduced the amount of ginger, added cocoa powder to the mixture and used brazil nuts as well. I decided to do the topping aside, so I created this nice smooth topping firstly blending some soft tofu and about 2 tbsp. of organic sugar, then adding some vegan chocolate melted, added a tsp. of apple cider vinegar and that's it. The cake was also a hit, and that topping, oh dear vegan god!

I know, I'm still to do the vegan Rabanadas and the dutch recipe I got from my dear friend Fiona, the notorious Olliebollens (I hope I spelled that correctly). I hope I get enough courage to try those and others for the new year's party.

Have a nice Christmas you lazy folks, peace and love to u all.
Muita paz e muito axé.

sexta-feira, dezembro 22, 2006

B4 x-mas x-vegano Special!

To celebrate the few days left before x-mas nite, I've decided to do this x-vegano special, with this old recipe I never got to post and other sweets. I had my last exam from uni today so I can focuss a 100% on wot to put on the table to my angry family omnivors sth completely cruelty-free, and that's a tiring essay I must say.

Let's begin with the oldies!
Yummy lasagna with crazy faux-cheese. That was a hit! Got tenners from everyone that tasted. Because I live in this completely non-vegan country, we have no fake cheese whatsoever, so I combined some ingredients that turned out to be quite cheesy. Made cheese and soy meat layers. Good to go with ketchup! Ha!

Babka Dreams. I know I know, I did post the babka, but I just thought this pic was way too cool to not show ya... you can notice the uneveness of the muffins , hahaha that's how unexperienced I am with baking. But it doesn't matter, the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in vegan sweets, I hope I get to repeat it, but it's just so much work, one day, one day.

Now the ones I've done recently.
Cinnamon Salad. One word, refreshing. Normally I use this nice soy sauce, paprika, sprinkle of sugar and dried herbs sauce to eat with my salads... but not this time, I got a little carried away and added some cinnamon to it, and the result was fabulous. Let's call it Cinnamon Salad for now on. Refressshhhhhin'. Oh, I used this really easy pickle recipe from Veginity in this one too.

Groovy "Chicken". There I was trying this new soy beef-shaped out, decided to do this rich curry-paprika seasoning and the result is wot I like to call veganlicious. You guys can notice how addicted to onions I am now.

Whole wheat Shimeji Pancakes. Ok, my vegan pancakes try-outs were always a disaster, so this time I got a recipe that actually worked, let me tell you sth, those lineseeds work magically! For the filling, I didn't want to go wrong, so I prepared the shimeji mushrooms I adore so much once again. I actually added some fresh parsley to the pancake dough, yummy recipe that gives me loads of nasty ideas.

Now that I can relax and simply wait for my "
How it all Vegan" by Kramer to arrive and watch Six Feet Under (I got the second season, finally), I'll have plenty of time to think about wot to cook. You guys will have a nice surprise after x-mas, that's for sure.
And to finish this b4 x-mas x-vegano special, this nice pic of me and my mom, with my stily dad on the right. She's an omnivor, but has got the veggie soul (Love)(Love)(Love).

Happy Christmas Everyone!
Feliz Natal pra todos!

terça-feira, dezembro 19, 2006

5 minute Roasted Red Pepper Pesto and Pasta

Another Kramer's recipe (told you I was a huge fan). When I firstly saw it on her site I got instantly interested and was looking forward to cook it cos' I really miss pesto from my ovo-lacto times. I must admit I got carried away with basil just a tiny bit, I'm definetely a basil lover, so it got a little too rich, but even so the recipe is really tasty and from wot I can remember, really similar to wot pesto is. Next time I'll add some soft tofu to the mixture and control myself a little more with the fresh herbs of the recipe.
It turns out that the cake was a HUGE success and everyone is asking me to bake it again for x-mas dinner, I'm even thinking about selling it to the friendly-vegans in my city cos' they are all hungry bitches. I give the pesto recipe a 9, because it has got some real potential, and the veggie jesus said it was yummy!

domingo, dezembro 17, 2006

Mini-Frittatas and Patatoes Calientes

For lunch today I decided to make eggplant mini-frittatas and potatoes with chilli. The frittata recipe I got from this groovy lady on youtube, watch it here. For each eggplant I used 1tbsp. of cornmeal, don't forget to let the eggplant cool, after cooking it in salty water, for a few minutes before adding it, combined with the fried red bell peppers and garlic, and finally formed the disks in the frying pan, tipping over several times so it gets crispy.
The potatoes are the easiest thing to do, I used two unpeeled potatoes nicely washed, cooked it in salty water then took it to the frying pan with garlic, chilli and some herbs. I give it a 9.

Maureen's Coffee Cake

Yep, I've decided to give baking cakes another try with my dear yeast-assistant, who pretty much made me do it all alone this time, so I got this nice recipe from Sarah Kramer's website: Go Vegan Dot Net, it is also on my links section under the profile (I'm a huge Kramer's fan, HUGE!).
That's a really easy recipe, the only problem for me was to find those ingredients, and after that everything was pretty much done.
The baking process turned out to be quite easy, so I decided to pimp it up just a bit, so I've came up with this chocolate-tofu topping that worked well, sprinkled chopped walnuts on top and added some papaya on the sides.
The dough was reeeeeally light and pretty much as good as it seems, promise you that! No personal avaluations, today my mom graded me and she gave it a 10, and she's a picky omnivor, the kind that does not believe in eggless cakes!

quinta-feira, dezembro 14, 2006

Dreamy Noodles

Ok, I've decided to combine the three things I like the most in food, wich would basically be: pasta, garlic and hon-shimeji mushrooms... So, I did this really easy-to-cook recipe combining those three items. Firstly, cook the noodles and add some fried garlic to it, set aside, then slightly fry the shimeji mushrooms in a little bit of hot olive oil and just to finish it add one or two tbsp. of soy sauce. That's a 10!
The secret about this type of mushroom is to, after cleaning it with cold water, let it rest in warm water for several minutes, then dry it nicely and fry with the hot olive oil, and of course, don't forget to season it with salt and black peppers, although I know u guys are excellent chefs and would not forget that important detail.
I know it would turn out great too if I added some chilli, sesame seeds or even brazilian nuts to it, but I had just got back from the uni and I was damn lazy. And for dessert, Chocosoy Barra Crispies from Olvebra, I like the crispies better even tho I can eat those bars in two seconds.

segunda-feira, dezembro 11, 2006

The Tasty Eggplant

Yo! Cos' it's near xmas and I had the ingredients I cooked today this improved-version of this recipe from the Yuh Pih Yueh's book "The New Era of Vegetarian Food", Tasty Eggplant. I added red bell and green peppers, spiced a bit with chilli, cumin and sprinkled sesame seeds. Really tasty han, I give it a 9.
My aunt was around
and she made this simple and really yummy recipe of meatless feijoada and mashed potatoe with fresh parsley. Goo-hood.
Even though I'm an atheist I love Christmas time, such a joyful time although it doesn't get any colder in here, hehehe.
Game time. Ok, I just love this Zoo Keeper little funny game, so fuckin' addictive... have fun, and that's it for now.

domingo, dezembro 10, 2006

What's Up eggplants?

Hello sunshine! It's been a "while" since my last entry here.
Much has changed about my vegan chef skills and knowledge, let's just say now I can bake Vegan Chocolate Babka's and other vegan delights HAHAHA!
So, to restart posting here I'm showing you guys this deliciousness called Babka I baked with the help of my dear friend Juliane, the yeast-assistant.
I got this recipe from the groovy
Vegan Lunch Box by Jennifershmoo, this blog has been my inspiration for a long time and that lady rocks my world, can't wait to put my hands on her book. I made the babka in this cake pan cos' my mom kinda lost our bread pan, and I also baked a few muffins wich kinda got burned on top, no worries, it was THE SHIT even so.
And just to celebrate my return, there's a pic of me
eating at this excellent vegan restaurant back in Rio called Beterraba, sorry, but no link this time.
As you can see, my entries will no longer be in portuguese/english cos' it's just too much work and I intend to keep on updating as much as I can, so I have to make it a little more practical, I'm sorry guys but online my english-speaking friends are the big majority.