sexta-feira, dezembro 22, 2006

B4 x-mas x-vegano Special!

To celebrate the few days left before x-mas nite, I've decided to do this x-vegano special, with this old recipe I never got to post and other sweets. I had my last exam from uni today so I can focuss a 100% on wot to put on the table to my angry family omnivors sth completely cruelty-free, and that's a tiring essay I must say.

Let's begin with the oldies!
Yummy lasagna with crazy faux-cheese. That was a hit! Got tenners from everyone that tasted. Because I live in this completely non-vegan country, we have no fake cheese whatsoever, so I combined some ingredients that turned out to be quite cheesy. Made cheese and soy meat layers. Good to go with ketchup! Ha!

Babka Dreams. I know I know, I did post the babka, but I just thought this pic was way too cool to not show ya... you can notice the uneveness of the muffins , hahaha that's how unexperienced I am with baking. But it doesn't matter, the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in vegan sweets, I hope I get to repeat it, but it's just so much work, one day, one day.

Now the ones I've done recently.
Cinnamon Salad. One word, refreshing. Normally I use this nice soy sauce, paprika, sprinkle of sugar and dried herbs sauce to eat with my salads... but not this time, I got a little carried away and added some cinnamon to it, and the result was fabulous. Let's call it Cinnamon Salad for now on. Refressshhhhhin'. Oh, I used this really easy pickle recipe from Veginity in this one too.

Groovy "Chicken". There I was trying this new soy beef-shaped out, decided to do this rich curry-paprika seasoning and the result is wot I like to call veganlicious. You guys can notice how addicted to onions I am now.

Whole wheat Shimeji Pancakes. Ok, my vegan pancakes try-outs were always a disaster, so this time I got a recipe that actually worked, let me tell you sth, those lineseeds work magically! For the filling, I didn't want to go wrong, so I prepared the shimeji mushrooms I adore so much once again. I actually added some fresh parsley to the pancake dough, yummy recipe that gives me loads of nasty ideas.

Now that I can relax and simply wait for my "
How it all Vegan" by Kramer to arrive and watch Six Feet Under (I got the second season, finally), I'll have plenty of time to think about wot to cook. You guys will have a nice surprise after x-mas, that's for sure.
And to finish this b4 x-mas x-vegano special, this nice pic of me and my mom, with my stily dad on the right. She's an omnivor, but has got the veggie soul (Love)(Love)(Love).

Happy Christmas Everyone!
Feliz Natal pra todos!